Wednesday 21 November 2012

Christmas is Coming!

Now for our next thing.  WAIT FOR IT. This week we have bought two reindeers, so this Christmas we will have reindeers from the 24th of November until Christmas Eve. 

They will be here at 11 o clock and will go back to the farm at approximately 3.30pm. On the day we will be opening the grotto where the children will be able to visit Father Christmas and see our super animated work shop and the children will be able to come away with a present. All of this for just £5.00 

We will also be doing breakfast with Mother Christmas as from the 1st of December where the children will be able to have breakfast with Mother Christmas, make a Christmas card to take home , have a photo with the reindeers and then go and see the main man Father Christmas himself and our super animated work shop AND take home a present. All of this for only £10.00. For this package you must book as numbers are limited.  Please contact Vanessa on to book.  Ozzie has also promised a smile for this special event. We’ll believe it when we see it!

Don’t forget to catch up on all the latest promotions on Facebook for  Pet’s Pantry.
Lastly we have some great new lines in store such as giftware, lighting ,clocks, mirrors and furniture. We have some very unique modern items. Come and have a look . The feedback so far has been very good . We also have some coats in store that are a real bargain. We are always on the look out for great new lines .

Take care

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